[hercules-390] msg herc "Protection exception.." in FTP guest VSE
antonio acortel@costaisa.com [hercules-390]
2018-10-19 09:02:52 UTC
I have installed the hercules version 4 that runs a VSE guest.
I have noticed that when I run any FTP from the VSE I get continuously a
"Protection exception ..." messages in the hercules console.
These messages have no consequences for the FTP result, but they fill the
hercules log file.

These are the messages:

16:41:24 HHC00801I Processor CP02: Protection exception code 0004 ilc 4
16:41:24 CP02: PSW=07DD200081F5C580 INST=92FF700B MVI 11(7),255
16:41:24 CP02: V:5F9B0D0B:K:06=00 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000
16:41:24 CP02: GR00=00004C72 GR01=0000CA08 GR02=00797850 GR03=00000000
16:41:24 CP02: GR04=00799AE0 GR05=01F3C994 GR06=01F4DD00 GR07=5F9B0D00
16:41:24 CP02: GR08=00000000 GR09=01F5C040 GR10=01F5D040 GR11=00780078
16:41:24 CP02: GR12=81F5B040 GR13=01F4E600 GR14=0078F704 GR15=00003354
16:41:24 CP02: CR00=0DB1EC40 CR01=0116605F CR02=0004EFC0 CR03=0004000D
16:41:24 CP02: CR04=0000000D CR05=01094340 CR06=10000000 CR07=0116605F
16:41:24 CP02: CR08=00000000 CR09=00000000 CR10=00000000 CR11=00000000
16:41:24 CP02: CR12=00000000 CR13=0116605F CR14=00081091 CR15=5F9B8E48
16:41:24 HHC00801I Processor CP02: Protection exception code 0004 ilc 4
16:41:24 CP02: PSW=07DD200081F5C508 INST=50107040 ST 1,64(0,7)
16:41:24 CP02: V:5F9B0B40:K:06=5F4D5540 0000FD5C 0087D0D4 0000FD5C ^(.
16:41:24 CP02: GR00=0000191E GR01=5F4D6E5E GR02=00797850 GR03=00000000
16:41:24 CP02: GR04=00799AE0 GR05=01F3C994 GR06=01F4DD00 GR07=5F9B0B00
16:41:24 CP02: GR08=01F6AD00 GR09=01F5C040 GR10=01F5D040 GR11=00780078
16:41:24 CP02: GR12=81F5B040 GR13=01F4E600 GR14=81F5C656 GR15=0000FD5C
16:41:24 CP02: CR00=0DB1EC40 CR01=0116605F CR02=0004EFC0 CR03=0004000D
16:41:24 CP02: CR04=0000000D CR05=01094340 CR06=10000000 CR07=0116605F
16:41:24 CP02: CR08=00000000 CR09=00000000 CR10=00000000 CR11=00000000
16:41:24 CP02: CR12=00000000 CR13=0116605F CR14=00081091 CR15=5F9B8E48

Any idea about this problem will be welcome.
Thank to all.

my versions:

09:38:07 HHC01603I version
09:38:07 HHC01413I Hercules version
09:38:07 HHC01414I (c) Copyright 1999-2013 by Roger Bowler, Jan Jaeger, and
09:38:07 HHC01415I Built on May 31 2015 at 08:59:54
09:38:07 HHC01416I Build information:
09:38:07 HHC01417I Windows MSVC AMD64 host architecture build
09:38:07 HHC01417I Modes: S/370 ESA/390 z/Arch
09:38:07 HHC01417I Max CPU Engines: 32
09:38:07 HHC01417I Using Fish threads Threading Model
09:38:07 HHC01417I Using Error-Checking Mutex Locking Model
09:38:07 HHC01417I With Syncio support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With Shared Devices support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With Dynamic loading support
09:38:07 HHC01417I Using shared libraries
09:38:07 HHC01417I With External GUI support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With Partial TCP keepalive support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With IPV6 support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With HTTP Server support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With sqrtl support
09:38:07 HHC01417I Without SIGABEND handler
09:38:07 HHC01417I With CCKD BZIP2 support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With HET BZIP2 support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With ZLIB support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With Regular Expressions support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With Object REXX support
09:38:07 HHC01417I Without Regina REXX support
09:38:07 HHC01417I With Automatic Operator support
09:38:07 HHC01417I Without National Language Support
09:38:07 HHC01417I Machine dependent assists: cmpxchg1 cmpxchg4 cmpxchg8
09:38:07 HHC01417I Running on: SYSID8H (Windows-6.2.9200 Intel(R) x64)
LP=2, Cores=2, CPUs=2

Sent from: http://hercules390.996247.n3.nabble.com/Hercules390-General-f3.html
Ivan Warren ivan@vmfacility.fr [hercules-390]
2018-10-19 10:48:34 UTC
Post by antonio ***@costaisa.com [hercules-390]
I have installed the hercules version 4 that runs a VSE guest.
I have noticed that when I run any FTP from the VSE I get continuously a
"Protection exception ..." messages in the hercules console.
These messages have no consequences for the FTP result, but they fill the
hercules log file.

Issue a OSTAILOR QUIET (or have it in your hercules config file) and the
messages will go away !


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Martin Truebner Martin@pi-sysprog.de [hercules-390]
2018-10-19 11:28:46 UTC
that would suppress typical(known) exception by the op-sys which
are known to be normal for this op-sys.

I say:

a protection exception against someone running FTP from ??? with
current protection key of D and the page being target of the
modify operation has key 6 is hardly a known(and expected)
behaviour of z/VSE.


Deep down in memory is the info about page protect key multiple
pages ...but is is old... how current is your herc*... what version of
z/VSE are you running? did that (herc and/or VSE) run before?

Ivan Warren ivan@vmfacility.fr [hercules-390]
2018-10-19 12:09:48 UTC
Post by Martin Truebner ***@pi-sysprog.de [hercules-390]
that would suppress typical(known) exception by the op-sys which
are known to be normal for this op-sys.
That was the original question .. Everything works fine, but he just
wanted to get rid of the extraneous log messages !


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antonio acortel@costaisa.com [hercules-390]
2018-10-19 12:34:32 UTC
Hi Martin,
the herc version is in the initial message, herc version4, the zVSE version
is the VSE 2.7.


Sent from: http://hercules390.996247.n3.nabble.com/Hercules390-General-f3.html
antonio acortel@costaisa.com [hercules-390]
2018-10-19 12:31:39 UTC
Hi Ivan,
thanks by your response.


Sent from: http://hercules390.996247.n3.nabble.com/Hercules390-General-f3.html