Networking in VM... was RE: [hercules-390] Any way to obtain zPDT + ADCD version (zOS 2.1 or above)?
'Dave Wade' dave.g4ugm@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2018-03-23 08:33:46 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 March 2018 06:06
Subject: RE: [hercules-390] Any way to obtain zPDT + ADCD version (zOS 2.1
or above)?
Only problems are VM/370 r6 and MVS 3.8j do not have network
interfaces for TCP/IP and RSCS networks. Network accesses require
IUCV interface to be implemented.
TCPIP access in VM does not require IUCV. The original implementation of TCP/IP in VM used VMCF to provide the communication. I am not sure if the latest zVM still supports VMCF access but when I checked last it did.
VM/370 R6 has VMCF implemented, so it is possible to provide TCPIP access in VM. There is in the files section of the H390-VM Yahoo group there is a product called NICOF that provides this access using an external JAVA program and a couple of 3270 connections. It includes an FTP server.

This is similar to how IBM & Salford University originally provided X.25 access for UK Universities, except our external machine was a Series/1.

RSCS networking works in VM and allows jobs from one host to be submitted to another host and the output returned. Files can also be sent to the adjacent host. What is missing is store and forward. So assuming I have three VM Systems
MCRVM1, MCRVM2 and MCRVM3. They are connected MRCVM1 <==> MCRVM2 <==> MCRVM3. I can't send files from MCRVM1 to MCRVM3 because MCRVM1 has no knowledge of MCRVM3 and does not have the ability to know that VM3 files need to go to VM2...
TK4- has a modified Hercules which provides TCP/IP under MVS.
Hercules/380 started doing the same yesterday, but it's still in beta.
BFN. Paul.
kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [hercules-390]
2018-03-23 09:51:56 UTC
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Peter Coghlan mailinglists@beyondthepale.ie [hercules-390]
2018-03-23 10:54:35 UTC
Post by 'Dave Wade' ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]
TCPIP access in VM does not require IUCV. The original implementation of
TCP/IP in VM used VMCF to provide the communication.
That is also my understanding of it.
Post by 'Dave Wade' ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]
RSCS networking works in VM and allows jobs from one host to be submitted to
another host and the output returned. Files can also be sent to the adjacent
host. What is missing is store and forward. So assuming I have three VM
Systems MCRVM1, MCRVM2 and MCRVM3. They are connected MRCVM1 <==> MCRVM2
<==> MCRVM3. I can't send files from MCRVM1 to MCRVM3 because MCRVM1 has no
knowledge of MCRVM3 and does not have the ability to know that VM3 files need
to go to VM2...
The RSCS that comes with VM/370 R6 allows rather asymmetricl RJE links to be
be set up which allow jobs to be sent in one direction and output to be sent in
the other direction. Similarly, messages can be sent only in one direction and
commands can be sent only in the other direction. This is using the DMTSML
link driver which supports the 2703 only.

I have written an update to DMTSML to allow NJE links to be set up which allows
file transfer equally in both directions and supports store and forward. I am
still working on the code to support NJE messages and commands. Progress is
slow but it's getting there.

Peter Coghlan.
