[hercules-390] CTCI-WIN and Windows 10 using NPF.SYS
reichmanjoe@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-05-01 12:06:10 UTC
Has anybody gotten this to work I am not quite sure npf.sys works with Windows 10
'\'Fish\' (David B. Trout)' david.b.trout@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-05-01 13:08:30 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]
Has anybody gotten this to work I am not quite sure npf.sys
works with Windows 10
As I've mentioned before, Joe, many people -- myself included -- are successfully running CTCI-WIN (with WinPCap 4.1.3) on Windows 10, both Professional as well as Enterprise.

I would invite others to respond as well with their own success stories as further proof.
"Fish" (David B. Trout)
Software Development Laboratories
mail: ***@softdevlabs.com
Joseph Reichman reichmanjoe@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-05-01 13:27:13 UTC
Has this been with NPF.SYS as the packet driver

In my research googling CTCI-WIN and WIndows 10, I came across 1 e-mail by a niladri.jana which had Win10Pcap in the text. Win10Pcap has Win10Pcap.sys as the driver not npf.sys

Let me elaborate on my test. I have a Windows 8.1
Laptop after hercules and MVS are all the way up

I open up a dos admin prompt and ping the hercules ip I get a response back

In the same scenario with windows 10 it times out

I have set up the route command

My config file has E20 CTCI-W32 38-D5-47-25-5E-15 1024 64 is my hercules ip is my Windows ip

I have changed my MVS TCP/IP data set

Having as home getaway I have a device and link statement and I S (start the device)

I have the same setup albeit with different IP address on my windows 8.1
Post by '\'Fish\' (David B. Trout)' ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]
Post by ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]
Has anybody gotten this to work I am not quite sure npf.sys
works with Windows 10
As I've mentioned before, Joe, many people -- myself included -- are successfully running CTCI-WIN (with WinPCap 4.1.3) on Windows 10, both Professional as well as Enterprise.
I would invite others to respond as well with their own success stories as further proof.
"Fish" (David B. Trout)
Software Development Laboratories
'\'Fish\' (David B. Trout)' david.b.trout@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-05-01 15:13:11 UTC
Post by Joseph Reichman ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]
Has this been with NPF.SYS as the packet driver
Of course.
"Fish" (David B. Trout)
Software Development Laboratories
mail: ***@softdevlabs.com
'\'Fish\' (David B. Trout)' david.b.trout@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-05-01 16:13:18 UTC
Post by Joseph Reichman ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]
Has this been with NPF.SYS as the packet driver
Of course. Here are some screen grabs from my Windows 10 Pro system:


As you can see it's the same WinPCap npf.sys device driver as always, and msinfo32 shows it as started and running and CTCI-WIN works just fine. I can ping to/from my Win10 system from any other system on my network as well as from the same Win10 system that CTCI-WIN is running on too.

CTCI-WIN works flawlessly on Windows 10.

I don't know why you are having so much trouble. Others never seem to have as much trouble as you do. You're obviously doing something wrong but I'll be darned if I know what.

All I or anyone else does is run the installer and VOILA! It works.

The ONLY thing anyone might need to do is add a rule to their Windows Firewall to allow pings (which is covered in the Help file). Other than that it works OOTB (Out Of The Box).

"Fish" (David B. Trout)
Software Development Laboratories
mail: ***@softdevlabs.com
Brian_Westerman@SyzygyInc.com [hercules-390]
2017-05-02 01:39:14 UTC
One other thing I have realized over the past year or two, is that many people when they moved to Windows 10 will have messed up their routing table. Apparently upgrading to Windows 10 will sometimes generate multiple entries that conflict with each other.

There are basically two areas where most people tend to get messed up with using Windows 10 and Hercules (networking wise). The first one is that your primary adapter (Ethernet card) HAS TO BE FIRST in the list of adapters. If you have a VPN defined, or Acronis TrueImage or one of the automatic backup to the internet things running, they will almost always be first in the list. You can change the order, but you have to go in and do that every time you boot until you get things set up right. The second place where people have lots of problems on Windows 10 is the routing table I mentioned earlier, If you have duplicate entries and bogus entries, the software gets "confused" and you will not get good results. And if you do, it will probably be slower than you really want.

I covered this in the past on this same list:

79364 RE: [hercules-390] z/OS V1R10 Networking in Hercules

So if you read that entry it should help you fix everything you need to fix.

If you read the entry and still have problems, just paste the information I asked that OP to post and I will help you get it straightened out.

Arguing with Fish isn't going to get you anywhere. He wrote a lot of this stuff and I doubt you will get anywhere with that attempt. Like me, it's probably frustrating for him to have to go over this same topic again and again and again, when the information is right there in the previous posts of the list. Most people don't seem to realize that just because it seems new to them, doesn't mean that we have not run into this a few thousand times. Working with multiple mainframe sites is similar to this, but at least there, "most" of them are configured along the same guidelines, but when it comes to PC's people tend to "do what works right then", instead of what is correct and then over time they tend to have "unexplained" problems that "no one else" in the world has. But, luckily there ate lots of people who have made the exact same mistakes, so just a little bit of searching on the forums will tend to answer a good number of questions.

Any way, so much for my soap box speech above.

If you have any problems understanding the post I mentioned or getting it to work, please feel free to contact me off-list or if you want on list, but please make sure that you post ALL of the necessary information that is needed to debug your issue so that I don't have to drag it out of you.

