'INVERNIZZI, ALBERTO' alberto.invernizzi@atos.net [hercules-390]
2018-01-11 15:26:45 UTC
Hello to everybody
Somebody can help me and tell to me how Escon Channel are emulated in Hercules?
Thank you very much
Best Regards

Alberto Invernizzi

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Harold Grovesteen h.grovsteen@tx.rr.com [hercules-390]
2018-01-11 15:49:09 UTC
On Thu, 2018-01-11 at 15:26 +0000, 'INVERNIZZI, ALBERTO'
Post by 'INVERNIZZI, ALBERTO' ***@atos.net [hercules-390]
Hello to everybody
Somebody can help me and tell to me how Escon Channel are emulated in Hercules?
Thank you very much
Best Regards
Alberto Invernizzi
Hercules does not emulate ESCON channels.

Having said that, what are you actually trying to do?

Harold Grovesteen
'INVERNIZZI, ALBERTO' alberto.invernizzi@atos.net [hercules-390]
2018-01-12 08:13:15 UTC
Hello to everybody
I must redo a question I have made yesterday and I have made in a not clear mode.
I have some gigantic files (also named extended data set or multivolume dataset).
I have an error on them because I am not able to open them on cics and I saw from the code of the error and from the manual of Ibm that they need Escon Channel.
So how Escon Channel are emulated in Hercules?
Thank you very much
Best Regards

Alberto Invernizzi

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Martin Truebner Martin@pi-sysprog.de [hercules-390]
2018-01-12 08:26:44 UTC

you jumped to the wrong conclusion.

I assume from what I saw so far:

you have a program running in CICS

you get an error message in CICS

you have giant files defined to that CICS

....what is not clear (but since you asked in a hercules list it is
obvious) does this all occur on an instance installed on herc

what no one knows:

what exact error-message

what does the program do

what version of CICS

what version of the op-sys

---there might be more

why don't you post the above answers and leave the conclusions to a
time when there is more information.

Roy Frederick royf@swbell.net [hercules-390]
2018-01-12 15:01:22 UTC
Specify CU=3990-6 on your DASD device definitions (in your Hercules control file.)

On Friday, January 12, 2018 2:13 AM, "'INVERNIZZI, ALBERTO' ***@atos.net [hercules-390]" <hercules-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Hello to everybodyI must redo a question I have made yesterday and I have made in a not clear mode.I have some gigantic files (also named extended data set or multivolume dataset).I have an error on them because I am not able to open them on cics and I saw from the code of the error and from the manual of Ibm that they need Escon Channel.So how Escon Channel are emulated in Hercules?Thank you very muchBest Regards Alberto Invernizzi Important Note: This e-mail may contain trade secrets or privileged, undisclosed or otherwise confidential information. If you have received this e-mail in error, you are hereby notifiedthat any review, copying or distribution of it is strictly prohibited. Please inform us immediately and destroy the original transmittal. 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