2017-01-11 00:54:21 UTC
Hi Harold.
Since you're the developer most supportive
of S/380, I'd like to draw your attention to
these posts:
Basically I think it would aid development
of Hercules if the 3-flavor-only (S/370,
S/390 and z/Arch) concept was to
disappear, and replaced with a much
more flexible setup.
Specifically it would be good if we could
hypothesize the existence of a Fujitsu
machine that had an architecture called
z/Arch+ that allowed every single IBM,
Fujitsu and OS/380 operating system
(ie including S/360) to run. Features can
be switched on or off via either hardware
switches or the operating system can
do it (like set CR0.10 or do a DIAG).
This Fujitsu machine was so popular
that it has 90% of the market share,
and people are clamoring to have
Hercules support it, as well as
supporting IBM z/Arch which has
10% of the market.
If you make an effort to support
z/Arch+ then I believe all other
things will flow down from there.
ie dumbing systems down to
either S/360 level or z/Arch
level as requested/required.
BTW, I am reminded of this:
Note to Joe: Even though I addressed
this to Harold, if people other than
Harold reply, I won't consider that to
be off-topic, as the message is meant
to garner comments from the world.
BFN. Paul.
Since you're the developer most supportive
of S/380, I'd like to draw your attention to
these posts:
Basically I think it would aid development
of Hercules if the 3-flavor-only (S/370,
S/390 and z/Arch) concept was to
disappear, and replaced with a much
more flexible setup.
Specifically it would be good if we could
hypothesize the existence of a Fujitsu
machine that had an architecture called
z/Arch+ that allowed every single IBM,
Fujitsu and OS/380 operating system
(ie including S/360) to run. Features can
be switched on or off via either hardware
switches or the operating system can
do it (like set CR0.10 or do a DIAG).
This Fujitsu machine was so popular
that it has 90% of the market share,
and people are clamoring to have
Hercules support it, as well as
supporting IBM z/Arch which has
10% of the market.
If you make an effort to support
z/Arch+ then I believe all other
things will flow down from there.
ie dumbing systems down to
either S/360 level or z/Arch
level as requested/required.
BTW, I am reminded of this:
Note to Joe: Even though I addressed
this to Harold, if people other than
Harold reply, I won't consider that to
be off-topic, as the message is meant
to garner comments from the world.
BFN. Paul.