rixhawg@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
2018-11-14 02:46:17 UTC
I am attempting to IPL DDR from the z/VM 5.1 install tapes which have been converted to AWS tape format. It will not IPL. I get no PSW wait states, no messages, etc. My configuration is set for an IBM model 2066 with 16g of memory. The tape file is in 3590 format. The tape file is LRECL=80 and BLKSIZE=80. One thing I noticed is that the first record of the tape looks a little weird as it does not look like it has an IPLable format. It is as follows:
02D7D3C3 C8E5D6D3 E4D4C5F1 40E5D6D3 E4D4C5F1 40000000 00000000 00C1F100 010000C6 00000000 50000000 00000000 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 01000093 01051222 29000000 00
Please note that the tape file containing ICKDSF ipls just fine.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you,
02D7D3C3 C8E5D6D3 E4D4C5F1 40E5D6D3 E4D4C5F1 40000000 00000000 00C1F100 010000C6 00000000 50000000 00000000 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 01000093 01051222 29000000 00
Please note that the tape file containing ICKDSF ipls just fine.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you,