[hercules-390] Solicitation for help with SDL Hercules development
'\'Fish\' (David B. Trout)' david.b.trout@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2018-06-23 20:35:56 UTC

- Help needed!
- Backup repository owner/administrator
- FYI: Repository Hard Resets


Help Needed!

I accept that perhaps some of you are not interested but would like to think there are others who are honestly interested. Because the SDL Hyperion repository is owned by me and I have no development team in place, I am currently the only one making any changes to Hercules and quite frankly it is more than one person can handle. I could use some help!

If there is anyone out there who is interested in helping me make changes to my SDL Fish-Git/Hyperion version of Hercules 4.0 (https://github.com/Fish-Git/hyperion), I would really appreciate if you would make the effort to help me out. There are many issues still needing resolving which I currently don't have time to work on right now. At the moment my full attention is on CCKD64 development (issue #20: https://github.com/Fish-Git/hyperion/issues/20). All other issues as a result are not currently being worked on (since there's only so much of me to go around; I'm not superman!). It would be REAL NICE if one or more of you would try their hand at trying to resolve one or more of any many open issues that are still outstanding. The ones I'm most interested in are those I have marked "HELP REQUESTED":


All of the other issues I could also use help with as well, but I'm hoping to eventually get around to working on them myself so they're not currently marked as help requested. BUT... if you want to work on one of them instead, feel free! *ANY* type of help would be appreciated at this point!


Backup repository owner

I'm also not getting any younger either (none of us are) and would prefer to have a backup repository owner ready to take over should I happen to unexpectedly drop dead. Please contact me if you're interested, providing the reason(s) why you feel you would be a good candidate. Thanks!

Repository Hard Resets

I don't know if maybe this has anything to do with others not helping or not because I honestly never gave it much thought as to the potential repercussions that might result when I did it, BUT... I have done several "Hard Resets" of my repository since it was first created in order to merge in the commits made to a completely different repository on Bit Bucket (https://bitbucket.org) where I do most of my development.

I hack away on my Bit Bucket repository, doing periodic commits as I go, being careful to propagate any changes (commits) that I might make to my primary GitHub repository at the same time to my Bit Bucket repository as well (and vice-versa (minus my primary development effort commits of course)).

As a result, all changes (commits) made to my primary GitHub repository (https://github.com/Fish-Git/hyperion) are also committed to my Bit Bucket repository (via git create patch serial and git apply patch serial). Then, at some point, when I'm ready to "release" my Bit Bucket changes, I do a hard reset of my GitHub repository to the point where my development effort on Bit Bucket began, and then apply all of the subsequent commits I made to Bit Bucket repository to my GitHub repository, bringing the two back into sequence with one another. I do this because as my development on Bit Bucket proceeds (and periodic commits made), the commit history between the two repositories diverge from one another, making it impossible to simply "cherry pick" the relevant changes (commits) made to Bit Bucket and apply them to my GitHub repository. That doesn't work because the two commit histories are completely different from one another. Thus the "Hard Reset" + create/apply patch serial approach.

As a result of the periodic hard resets done to my GitHub repository, it occurs to me that perhaps this is causing difficulties (screwing up) some of you who are working with clones of my GitHub repository that you cloned at some point in time *prior* to when I did the hard resets (thereby perhaps making it impossible for you to submit a patch or merge request to whatever changes you *may* have been working on). If this is true, I apologize. I'm not sure how else I could do things.

If this problem has happened to you, about the only thing I can suggest is to do another clone of my repository as it is right now, than then apply your working tree changes to THAT clone.


1. HELP! :)
2. SORRY! :(

Thanks for listening.
"Fish" (David B. Trout)
Software Development Laboratories
mail: ***@softdevlabs.com
John Murray john.ar.murray@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2018-06-27 17:40:17 UTC
Hi. I’m not sure if you got any resources after your plea, but I decided, after due consideration, that I’d like to help.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. First, I’m a retired software developer. I started on the mainframe OS’s, MVS, VM and DOS and progressed through Windows, Unix/Linux and finally the Mac OS. I wrote in Assembler for years before switching to C, then C++ and on to Java, JavaScript, Python and the others (Perl, shell scripting, etc). I mostly did back end development with a bit of front end (JSP, JSF, HTML, CSS and JavaScript) development mixed in where necessary.

I spent some time at the IBM development lab here in Toronto a few years back doing or rather figuring out how to transmit DB2 data between DB2 on Linux/Unix/Windows and DB2 on z/OS. It was this work that lead me to Hercules. Around that time I also found a copy of IBM’s ADCD floating around on the ‘net, which I installed and figured out how how to use. I’ve written a few scripts to work with zOS from a client environment, primarily a script, written in Python, that allows you to send a job from the client environment to zOS and get the SYSOUT back. The script uses the FTP JES interface to make all the magic happen.

I’m retired now, but I still keep my brain working by building enterprise applications, the latest of which should be finished off by the end of June. On the side, I’m continuing to explore zOS with my goal being development of a transaction based DB2/CICS app written in Java. I would also like to get my assembler skills back, but that might be wishful thinking at this point.

So I’m ready to contribute. Bugs would be a good pace to start because they’re usually provide a good stance for figuring out the app they’re embedded in.

Please let me know what you think and how you might want to use me. But one more thing: we’re in the start of the summer season and demands on my time might be excessive over the next couple of months. We live in Paris (expats from Toronto) and, as you can imagine, we get friends and relations who want to visit and take up our time.
Post by '\'Fish\' (David B. Trout)' ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]
- Help needed!
- Backup repository owner/administrator
- FYI: Repository Hard Resets
Help Needed!
I accept that perhaps some of you are not interested but would like to think there are others who are honestly interested. Because the SDL Hyperion repository is owned by me and I have no development team in place, I am currently the only one making any changes to Hercules and quite frankly it is more than one person can handle. I could use some help!
https://github.com/Fish-Git/hyperion/labels/HELP%20REQUESTED <https://github.com/Fish-Git/hyperion/labels/HELP%20REQUESTED>
All of the other issues I could also use help with as well, but I'm hoping to eventually get around to working on them myself so they're not currently marked as help requested. BUT... if you want to work on one of them instead, feel free! *ANY* type of help would be appreciated at this point!
https://github.com/Fish-Git/hyperion/issues <https://github.com/Fish-Git/hyperion/issues>
Backup repository owner
I'm also not getting any younger either (none of us are) and would prefer to have a backup repository owner ready to take over should I happen to unexpectedly drop dead. Please contact me if you're interested, providing the reason(s) why you feel you would be a good candidate. Thanks!
Repository Hard Resets
I don't know if maybe this has anything to do with others not helping or not because I honestly never gave it much thought as to the potential repercussions that might result when I did it, BUT... I have done several "Hard Resets" of my repository since it was first created in order to merge in the commits made to a completely different repository on Bit Bucket (https://bitbucket.org <https://bitbucket.org/>) where I do most of my development.
I hack away on my Bit Bucket repository, doing periodic commits as I go, being careful to propagate any changes (commits) that I might make to my primary GitHub repository at the same time to my Bit Bucket repository as well (and vice-versa (minus my primary development effort commits of course)).
As a result, all changes (commits) made to my primary GitHub repository (https://github.com/Fish-Git/hyperion <https://github.com/Fish-Git/hyperion>) are also committed to my Bit Bucket repository (via git create patch serial and git apply patch serial). Then, at some point, when I'm ready to "release" my Bit Bucket changes, I do a hard reset of my GitHub repository to the point where my development effort on Bit Bucket began, and then apply all of the subsequent commits I made to Bit Bucket repository to my GitHub repository, bringing the two back into sequence with one another. I do this because as my development on Bit Bucket proceeds (and periodic commits made), the commit history between the two repositories diverge from one another, making it impossible to simply "cherry pick" the relevant changes (commits) made to Bit Bucket and apply them to my GitHub repository. That doesn't work because the two commit histories are completely different from one another. Thus the "Hard Reset" + create/apply patch serial approach.
As a result of the periodic hard resets done to my GitHub repository, it occurs to me that perhaps this is causing difficulties (screwing up) some of you who are working with clones of my GitHub repository that you cloned at some point in time *prior* to when I did the hard resets (thereby perhaps making it impossible for you to submit a patch or merge request to whatever changes you *may* have been working on). If this is true, I apologize. I'm not sure how else I could do things.
If this problem has happened to you, about the only thing I can suggest is to do another clone of my repository as it is right now, than then apply your working tree changes to THAT clone.
1. HELP! :)
2. SORRY! :(
Thanks for listening.
"Fish" (David B. Trout)
Software Development Laboratories
http://www.softdevlabs.com <http://www.softdevlabs.com/>
kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [hercules-390]
2018-06-27 22:16:04 UTC
Post by John Murray ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]
I would also like to get my assembler skills back,
but that might be wishful thinking at this point.
I assume you mean S/370 assembler, not PC
assembler. Let me know if you'd like to work
on this:


I'd like the code to recognize the LOC=32
parameter that I added to GETMAIN:


so that 32-bit programs can have access to
a full 4 GiB address space.

BFN. Paul.
