[hercules-390] EHLLAPI access
javatech@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
2017-08-31 10:03:26 UTC
I have a need to automate a process to access an emulator using Java. I think I have figured out how to do that.

But I would like to know if EHLLAPI(https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQ5Y_5.9.0/com.ibm.pcomm.doc/books/html/emulator_programming07.htm) can be used to connect to Hercules running on my Windows 8 PC.

I don't need to do anything complex. Just connect and scrape text. I assume Hercules can be installed on Windows 8 for this simple test.

Bert Lindeman bert.lindeman@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-08-31 10:54:22 UTC
Hi Mohan,

From former work experience I know PCOMM EHLLAPI can do that.
We managed a few vm and mvs systems on z/OS like that. Automated IPL etc.
Back then running OS/2; later on windows XP and further.
But be advised Pcomm 12 on windows 10 no longer supports ReXX with EHLLAPI.
Discontinuation of support

    CM Mouse support
    REXX EHLLAPI support

     I have a need to automate a process to access an emulator using
Java. I think I have figured out how to do that.
But I would like to know if
can be used to connect to Hercules running on my Windows 8 PC.
I don't need to do anything complex. Just connect and scrape text. I
assume Hercules can be installed on Windows 8 for this simple test.
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Jon Perryman jperryma@pacbell.net [hercules-390]
2017-08-31 14:57:56 UTC
Assuming you are using PCOMM as your TN3270 emulator, then you are correct. If not, then you will need to look at the API for your TN3270.

On Thursday, August 31, 2017 3:03 AM, "***@yahoo.com [hercules-390]" <hercules-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Hi,     I have a need to automate a process to access an emulator using Java. I think I have figured out how to do that.
But I would like to know if EHLLAPI(https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQ5Y_5.9.0/com.ibm.pcomm.doc/books/html/emulator_programming07.htm) can be used to connect to Hercules running on my Windows 8 PC..
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Davide Grandi grndvd63m06f704u@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-08-31 19:51:01 UTC
If i'm not wrong, PCOMM can be automated in java with
Host Access Class Library for Java
using a reduced Host On Demand API.
(documentation on PCOMM program folder).

You should look for a feature that allow Java to open & drive a session,
present some years ago in HOD.

in '94 (gosh, twenty-three years ago) I wrote an OS/2 *cmd script that
opened 4 session, logged to all 4 and start some programs.
There was an HLLAPI interface directly from *.cmd commands.
Of course there's no time machine to reuse them ...

Best regards,

Davide Grandi
Post by ***@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
I have a need to automate a process to access an emulator using
Java. I think I have figured out how to do that.
But I would like to know if
can be used to connect to Hercules running on my Windows 8 PC.
I don't need to do anything complex. Just connect and scrape text. I
assume Hercules can be installed on Windows 8 for this simple test.
Mike Schwab Mike.A.Schwab@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-09-01 17:41:30 UTC
OS/2 updated for 2017. https://www.arcanoae.com/
Post by Davide Grandi ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]
If i'm not wrong, PCOMM can be automated in java with
Host Access Class Library for Java
using a reduced Host On Demand API.
(documentation on PCOMM program folder).
You should look for a feature that allow Java to open & drive a session,
present some years ago in HOD.
in '94 (gosh, twenty-three years ago) I wrote an OS/2 *cmd script that
opened 4 session, logged to all 4 and start some programs.
There was an HLLAPI interface directly from *.cmd commands.
Of course there's no time machine to reuse them ...
Best regards,
Davide Grandi
Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?
Davide Grandi grndvd63m06f704u@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-09-02 21:17:15 UTC
Intriguing ! ...

OS/2 updated for 2017. https://www.arcanoae.com/
On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 2:51 PM, Davide Grandi
If i'm not wrong, PCOMM can be automated in java with
Host Access Class Library for Java
using a reduced Host On Demand API.
(documentation on PCOMM program folder).
You should look for a feature that allow Java to open & drive a
session, present some years ago in HOD.
in '94 (gosh, twenty-three years ago) I wrote an OS/2 *cmd script
that opened 4 session, logged to all 4 and start some programs.
There was an HLLAPI interface directly from *.cmd commands.
Of course there's no time machine to reuse them ...
Best regards,
Davide Grandi
Post by ***@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?
javatech@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
2017-09-06 10:01:55 UTC
Hello, I didn't fully understand your replies. So I have the DLL's and know how to call them from Java.
Understand that part.

But don't know if the same DLL can access hercules. I know about HOD but a simple Java program doesn't need it.

I mean that I would like to know if hercules on Win 8 has an emulator that I can scrape. Please forgive my ignorance of hercules.

Joe Monk joemonk64@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-09-06 11:00:27 UTC
It all depends on the TN3270 client you are using to access whatever OS you
are running on hercules... Does it support EHLLAPI?

Post by ***@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
I didn't fully understand your replies. So I have the
DLL's and know how to call them from Java.
Understand that part.
But don't know if the same DLL can access hercules. I know about HOD but a
simple Java program doesn't need it.
I mean that I would like to know if hercules on Win 8 has an emulator that
I can scrape. Please forgive my ignorance of hercules.
javatech@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
2017-09-06 12:27:06 UTC
Oh! So I install hercules on Windows. And I also need a TN3270 emulator to connect to hercules. Is that right ? I don't have a client like that. Can hercules and this client run on the same machine ?

javatech@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
2017-09-06 12:29:36 UTC
Is it something like this ?https://sourceforge.net/projects/x3270/

Really haven't used this toolset before.

Harold Grovesteen h.grovsteen@tx.rr.com [hercules-390]
2017-09-06 14:46:07 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
Is it something like this ?https://sourceforge.net/projects/x3270/
Yes.  That is one option for a TN3270 client.  But, for your needs it
must also support EHLLAPI.
Post by ***@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
Really haven't used this toolset before.
Harold Grovesteen
Gerhard Postpischil gerhardp@charter.net [hercules-390]
2017-09-06 13:57:38 UTC
Oh! So I install hercules on Windows. And I also need  a TN3270 emulator
to connect to hercules. Is that right ?
I don't have a client like that. Can hercules and this client run on the
same machine ?
While x3270, etc. may do the trick for you, I prefer Tom Brennan's Vista
(it's available for a free trial, and a one time charge of $30 to keep).
If you need graphics, partitions, or other advanced goodies, I suggest
Blue Zone.

In my house I have a server that runs Hercules, four 3270 sessions
(console, TSO, test screens), and have another six screens downstairs,
for development. So you can run from different computers on the same
Windows network without any problem. It is also possible to connect ovre
the internet, but that requires advanced setup and I've never tried it.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
Harold Grovesteen h.grovsteen@tx.rr.com [hercules-390]
2017-09-06 14:43:07 UTC
Oh! So I install hercules on Windows. And I also need  a TN3270
emulator to connect to hercules. Is that right ?
I don't have a client like that. Can hercules and this client run on
the same machine ?
Harold Grovesteen
knigge.michael@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
2017-09-07 05:58:45 UTC
This post might be inappropriate. Click to display it.
javatech@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
2017-09-09 13:35:25 UTC
Thanks for the github links. I will try and report back in a new thread if needed.

