[hercules-390] GA27-3063 - IBM 3780 component description
w.f.j.mueller@gsi.de [hercules-390]
2017-11-19 17:03:28 UTC

I've searched for the document

GA27-3063 - IBM 3780 component description

but so far didn't find on the Web. The corresponding IBM 2780 document is on bitsavers


GA27-3063 is cited in many places, but is, as said, a bit elusive.

If somebody still has a copy I'd very much appreciate if a scan is made available.

Thanks in advance, Walter
kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [hercules-390]
2017-11-20 08:12:37 UTC
Post by ***@gsi.de [hercules-390]
I've searched for the document
GA27-3063 - IBM 3780 component description
but so far didn't find on the Web.
I don't know the answer to your question, but
you might be able to figure out from some
available source code how the 3780 works.
These files are available somewhere in the
file areas:

C:\download>unzip -v rje80_029
Archive: rje80_029.zip
Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ----
77824 Defl:N 35524 54% 2004-03-12 21:52 3cca7f98 RJE80.exe
11792 Defl:N 5105 57% 2004-03-12 21:50 05ffea85 rje80.txt
68736 Defl:N 17867 74% 2004-03-12 21:37 c20eff98 rje80.c
-------- ------- --- -------
158352 58496 63% 3 files

C:\download>unzip -v rje3780.src.zip
Archive: rje3780.src.zip
Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ----
141 Defl:N 130 8% 2004-12-21 03:18 e6a8e498 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
1461 Defl:N 443 70% 2012-02-14 10:23 0da492d3 PrintJobWatcher.java
11236 Defl:N 2258 80% 2012-02-14 10:23 c2b17b51 Config.java
97558 Defl:N 15539 84% 2012-02-14 10:23 9cb06e8b RJE3780_Thread.java
3362 Defl:N 983 71% 2012-02-14 10:23 0bbf3f3c About.java
44057 Defl:N 7601 83% 2012-02-14 10:23 9eb5b4f0 RJE3780.java
4503 Defl:N 1022 77% 2012-02-14 10:23 d5e68387 org/netbeans/lib/awtextra/AbsoluteLayout.java
2114 Defl:N 592 72% 2012-02-14 10:23 83c1814c org/netbeans/lib/awtextra/AbsoluteConstraints.java
85586 Defl:N 13205 85% 2012-02-14 10:23 9851de68 PrintfFormat.java
-------- ------- --- -------
250018 41773 83% 9 files


BFN. Paul.

Continue reading on narkive:
Search results for '[hercules-390] GA27-3063 - IBM 3780 component description' (Questions and Answers)
A question about MS Office Suite, Ouickbooks & Lotus Notes?
started 2012-01-13 09:40:16 UTC