Excuse me if this is a repeat, but when you read this via e-mail you loose all context. If you mean on the console page, I have never seen it anything other than red..
From: hercules-*** <hercules-***>
Sent: 30 July 2018 21:35
To: hercules-***
Subject: Re: [hercules-390] Is there a 32 bit mode?
I started out just using "v 0=xxxx.." and i've now graduated to making an IPL'able card deck. I will maybe move on to an absolute loader based on
I'm running everything in key 0 supervisor state interrupts disabled and polling for i/o completion. The only problem with that right now is that i get an angry red status line (I think because of disabling all interrupts). I tried enabling interrupts but ended up in lala land maybe because there are timer interrupts all the time?
I'm going to look at some of the standalone support routines because i'm sure this is a well-solved problem.
Bill Rowe <>
Post by *** [hercules-390]I am working with hercules poking in 370 instructions and running them from
the console.
How are you "poking" ... the instructions ?
I frequently do the same thing with tiny programs.
For "programs" of ~20 or so instructions, I'll just use the "r"
(change memory) command, directly from the console.
For longer programs I'll use the vmR6 six pack assembler, then copy
the assembler listing, and edit the listing, inserting "r" commands
at the beginning of the lines, and putting a "# or *" after the object
bytes, which gives you a "commented script file" that you can run with
the hercules SCRIPT command.
One of these days I'll write a program to parse / edit an assembler listing :/
You could also PUNCH a CMS TEXT file, then use the hercules LOADTEXT command.
The TK4- / MVS assembler could also be used, but I like vm, as it only
takes 5-10 SECONDS to IPL, and CMS is a much "friendlier" environment.
The script command can also be put into the hercules.rc file, to be
run automatically when hercules starts up.
For longer programs / and a (much) more "structured" programming
enviornment, Harold Grovesteen has his "Stand Alone Toolkit" (python
based cross-assembler) :