[hercules-390] Help digest
Lyle Gleason lg052669@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-10-01 15:55:22 UTC
I have installed Hercules 3.12 and am attempting to install OS/360 MVT
21.8f per Jay Maynard's instructions at http://www.conmicro.com/hercos360/
I was able to use the makedasd script successfully.
I am unable to successfully connect to Hercules via either telnet or x3270
to run the IPL.
telnet gives me the introductory
Hercules version 3.12 built on Jan 4 2016 05:12:27
running on andrew-Inspiron-555 (Linux-4.4.0-83-generic.#106-Ubuntu SMP
Mon Jun 26 17:54:43 UTC 2017 x86_64 MP=4)
Connected to device 0:0009
But then remains both deaf and mute. No response to any commands.
X3270 gives me the introductory Hercules screen, but after clearing and
resetting the screen goes into a permanent wait state after any input.
I can connect via port 8081.
I have made sure port 3270 is open listening and not blocked by any
Can anyone advise me on next steps to try? Is this a workable OS or should
I be trying something else?
Should I try Hyperion instead?
Many thanks
Andrew Nerlich
Lyle Gleason lg052669@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-10-01 15:55:18 UTC
I have installed Hercules 3.12 and am attempting to install OS/360 MVT
21.8f per Jay Maynard's instructions at http://www.conmicro.com/hercos360/
I was able to use the makedasd script successfully.
I am unable to successfully connect to Hercules via either telnet or x3270
to run the IPL.
telnet gives me the introductory
Hercules version 3.12 built on Jan 4 2016 05:12:27
running on andrew-Inspiron-555 (Linux-4.4.0-83-generic.#106-Ubuntu SMP
Mon Jun 26 17:54:43 UTC 2017 x86_64 MP=4)
Connected to device 0:0009
But then remains both deaf and mute. No response to any commands.
X3270 gives me the introductory Hercules screen, but after clearing and
resetting the screen goes into a permanent wait state after any input.
I can connect via port 8081.
I have made sure port 3270 is open listening and not blocked by any
Can anyone advise me on next steps to try? Is this a workable OS or should
I be trying something else?
Should I try Hyperion instead?
Many thanks
Andrew Nerlich
Rahim Azizarab rahimazizarab@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
2017-10-02 16:09:06 UTC
You should install x3270 on your system the coom and is apt-get install x3270 as root.  Then use command x3270 -model 3279-2-E -once   this command assumes you have your terminal on 3274 in Hercules configuration file.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 11:03 AM, Lyle Gleason ***@gmail.com [hercules-390]<hercules-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:  

On Sep 30, 2017 2:39 AM, "***@yahoo.com [hercules-390]" <hercules-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


I have installed Hercules 3.12 and am attempting to install  OS/360 MVT 21.8f per Jay Maynard's instructions at http://www.conmicro.com/ hercos360/.

I was able to use the makedasd script successfully.

I am unable to successfully connect to Hercules via either telnet or x3270 to run the IPL.

telnet gives me the introductory

Hercules version 3.12 built on Jan  4 2016 05:12:27

running on andrew-Inspiron-555 (Linux-4.4.0-83-generic.#106- Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 26 17:54:43 UTC 2017 x86_64 MP=4)

Connected to device 0:0009

But then remains both deaf and mute. No response to any commands.
X3270 gives me the introductory Hercules screen, but after clearing and resetting the screen goes into a permanent wait state after any input.
I can connect via port 8081.
I have made sure port 3270 is open listening and not blocked by any firewall.
Can anyone advise me on next steps to try? Is this a workable OS or should I be trying something else?
Should I try Hyperion instead?
Many thanks
Andrew Nerlich


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Gregg Levine gregg.drwho8@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2017-10-02 23:19:21 UTC
He said he's trying OS/360 first. That uses Telnet posing as a
typewriter based console. It does not uses 3278 based terminals to
work. That would come later with VM/370 and MVS/370 or what MVS is up
to now, for us. Please be correct in your advice. Did you try
connecting your telnet client to localhost and port 3270, and Hercules
running did you see the system say anything?
Gregg C Levine ***@gmail.com
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."

On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Rahim Azizarab
Post by Rahim Azizarab ***@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
You should install x3270 on your system the coom and is apt-get install
x3270 as root. Then use command x3270 -model 3279-2-E -once
this command assumes you have your terminal on 3274 in Hercules
configuration file.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
I have installed Hercules 3.12 and am attempting to install OS/360 MVT
21.8f per Jay Maynard's instructions at http://www.conmicro.com/ hercos360/.
I was able to use the makedasd script successfully.
I am unable to successfully connect to Hercules via either telnet or x3270 to run the IPL.
telnet gives me the introductory
Hercules version 3.12 built on Jan 4 2016 05:12:27
running on andrew-Inspiron-555 (Linux-4.4.0-83-generic.#106- Ubuntu SMP Mon
Jun 26 17:54:43 UTC 2017 x86_64 MP=4)
Connected to device 0:0009
But then remains both deaf and mute. No response to any commands.
X3270 gives me the introductory Hercules screen, but after clearing and
resetting the screen goes into a permanent wait state after any input.
I can connect via port 8081.
I have made sure port 3270 is open listening and not blocked by any firewall.
Can anyone advise me on next steps to try? Is this a workable OS or should I
be trying something else?
Should I try Hyperion instead?
Many thanks
Andrew Nerlich