Thanks, Mike. Iâll try this tomorrow.
Sent from my Windows 10 phone
From: Mike Stramba *** [hercules-390]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 7:25 PM
To: hercules-***
Subject: Re: [hercules-390] Re: Can't IPL During Install of Hercules 3.07
Sounds like maybe your distrib05 and/or your distrib04 didn't work.
Exit hercules, open a cmd prompt where your dasd is and run dasdls res11c.2311
Here's my output
res11c.2311: VOLSER=RES11C
On 12/13/16, 'MICHAEL (iCloud)' *** [hercules-390]
<hercules-***> wrote:
> Well, I went back and reran 04, 05, 06 - got the CMDREJ after 06. Reran
> 06 and it worked. Went on to MIGRATE01. Entered STOPALL and SYSCLEAR
> right before the 'ipl 132' but then ran into the same "IPL Failed" problem.
> Here's the console:
> stopall
> +
> devinit 280 tape/ ro
> HHCTA101I 0280: AWS Tape tape/ closed
> HHCTA004I 0280: tape/ is a AWS Format tape file
> HHCTA066I 0280: option 'ro' accepted.
> HHCPN098I Device 0:0280 initialized
> iplc 280
> devinit 00c jcl/distrib06.jcl
> HHCPN098I Device 0:000C initialized
> HHCPN013I EOF reached on SCRIPT file. Processing complete.
> HHCCP014I CPU0000: Addressing exception CODE=0005 ILC=6
> PSW=00000005 C0000020 INST=D2FF11570156 MVC 343(256,1),342(0)
> move_character
> R:001FFF57:K:06=00 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000 ................
> R:00000156:K:06=0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000 ................
> GR00=00000000 GR01=001FFE00 GR02=00000000 GR03=00000000
> GR04=00000000 GR05=00000000 GR06=00000000 GR07=00000000
> GR08=00000000 GR09=00000000 GR10=00000000 GR11=00000000
> GR12=00000000 GR13=00000000 GR14=00000000 GR15=00000000
> // UID IR,C1
> // VTOC STRTADR=(0199010),EXTENT=(10)
> stoo
> HHCPN139E Command "stoo" not found; enter '?' for list.
> stop
> stopall
> sysclear
> devinit 00e prt/migrate-1-unloadlivs.txt crlf
> HHCPN098I Device 0:000E initialized
> sh hetinit -d -n tape/
> Hercules HET IEHINITT program Version 3.07
> (c)Copyright 1999-2010 by Roger Bowler, Jan Jaeger, and others
> devinit 280 tape/
> HHCTA101I 0280: AWS Tape tape/ closed
> HHCTA004I 0280: tape/ is a AWS Format tape file
> HHCPN098I Device 0:0280 initialized
> stopall
> sysclear
> ipl 132
> HHCCP029E S/370 mode IPL failed: CSW status=0E00
> Sense=000800C8 0000
> __________________________________
> From: hercules-*** [mailto:hercules-***]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 11:52 AM
> To: hercules-***
> Subject: RE: [hercules-390] Re: Can't IPL During Install of Hercules 3.07
> Hi Michael:
> I have been able to reproduce the issue you experience on Hercules 3.07,
> 3.12, and 4.0, all 64-bit on Windows.
> I believe the difficulty arrises because of a command reject on the console
> at the beginning of the distrib04.rc (initialize res11c) step. When the
> initialize fails, the restore fails, and the subsequent IPL of 132 will
> also
> fail.
> Please take a look at console log in my reproduction of the issue to
> confirm
> you are experiencing what I have describet.
> 10:54:02 HHCTA101I 0280: AWS Tape tape/ closed
> 10:54:02 HHCCP048I 0280:CCW=0F001C61 00000001=>F0F0F0F0 F0F2F4F4 F2F500C6
> 00090000 0000024425.F....
> 10:54:02 HHCCP075I 0280:Stat=2600 Count=0001
> 10:54:02 HHCCP076I 0280:Sense=40220000 00C00300 00000000 00800100 010000FF
> FF000000
> 10:54:02 HHCCP077I 0280:Sense=INTREQ EOC WRI
> 10:54:02 0280
> 10:54:02 260F
> 10:54:02 4002A
> 10:54:02 HHC1C001A Enter input for console device 001F
> 4002A is the code for the completion of the restore that is in distrib.rc.
> Notice message HHC1C001A: the restore application has issued a read to the
> console. Now start distrib04.rc.
> 10:54:15 script rc/distrib04.rc
> 10:54:15 # DISTRIB04 Initialize 2311 RES11C on 132
> 10:54:15 stopall
> 10:54:15 devinit 281 tape/ ro
> 10:54:15 HHCTA004I 0281: tape/ is a AWS Format tape file
> 10:54:15 HHCTA066I 0281: option 'ro' accepted.
> 10:54:15 HHCPN098I Device 0:0281 initialized
> 10:54:15 iplc 281
> 10:54:15 devinit 00c jcl/distrib04.jcl
> 10:54:15 HHCPN098I Device 0:000C initialized
> 10:54:15 HHCPN013I EOF reached on SCRIPT file. Processing complete.
> 10:54:15 HHCCP014I CPU0000: Addressing exception CODE=0005 ILC=6
> 10:54:15 PSW=00000005 C0000020 INST=D2FF11570156 MVC 343(256,1),342(0)
> move_character
> 10:54:15 R:001FFF57:K:06=00 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000
> ................
> 10:54:15 R:00000156:K:06=0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000
> ................
> 10:54:15 GR00=00000000 GR01=001FFE00 GR02=00000000 GR03=00000000
> 10:54:15 GR04=00000000 GR05=00000000 GR06=00000000 GR07=00000000
> 10:54:15 GR08=00000000 GR09=00000000 GR10=00000000 GR11=00000000
> 10:54:15 GR12=00000000 GR13=00000000 GR14=00000000 GR15=00000000
> The above addressing exception is normal and expected; the initialize
> program is determining the amount of memory installed. GR01 is very close
> to the 2MB line. The next message is much more interesting. It is a
> command reject by the console at X'01F'.
> 10:54:15 HHCCP048I 001F:CCW=020017E8 20000050=>00000000 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 ................
> 10:54:15 HHCCP075I 001F:Stat=0E00 Count=0050 =>00000000 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 ................
> 10:54:15 HHCCP076I 001F:Sense=80000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
> 00000000
> 10:54:15 HHCCP077I 001F:Sense=CMDREJ
> At this point, the initialize program has gone comatose. Initialize fails,
> and so the restore fails, and then the IPL 132 fails.
> There seem to be two workarounds.
> 1) When you get the command reject message, repeat at that point the step
> that you were attempting. I expect you will need to repeat 04 and 06.
> 2) When distrib03 (and 05) completes, type \ and enter before starting the
> next script to clear the outstanding read.
> Let me know how you make out. I will do some other tests and revise the
> web
> site based on your feedback and the additional testing.
> Best Regards,
> Steve Orso
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]