[hercules-390] CTCI-WIN problem?
Robert Prins robert.ah.prins@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2018-02-12 23:30:23 UTC
I've just installed CTCI-WIN, and after a bit of fiddling got it to work,
or so I thought...

I can PING both ways, FTP to Windoze from the OS that shall not be
mentioned works, FTP the other side didn't, so after RTFM, I logged off,
shut down the system, and after a waitstate CCC tried to "quit" Hercules.

That didn't work, and despite not doing anything any more, it continued
running using 100% of one of my cores. So I killed it.

Then I disabled the LSO option of the adapter, and repeated the above.
Again the FTP from Windoze to "that" OS hung, and after the steps above,
Hercules once again refused to "quit".

Any hints?

Robert AH Prins
Some programming @ <https://prino.neocities.org/zOS/zOS%20Tools.html>