[hercules-390] Hercules CTCE Device : Latest Bug Fixes and Improvements Now Available
'Peter J. Jansen' peter_j_jansen@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
2017-10-02 09:37:41 UTC
New fixes and improvements for CTCE devices have been made available on
Github. The changes to these different Hercules repositories have been
committed, and, where appropriate, pull requests have been sent to the
owners of the respective master repos:

* https://github.com/hercules-390/hyperion

* https://github.com/Peter-J-Jansen/spinhawk

* https://github.com/Peter-J-Jansen/SDL-hyperion

The corrections were triggered by the fact that VTAM CTCA connections
previously did not work; they do now. Additionally, improved stability and
recovery capabilities may be experienced.

Any feedback will be more than welcome.


Peter J.
