[hercules-390] What is needed to make VM/PC work?
wfg777inri@yahoo.com [hercules-390]
2018-02-28 06:32:55 UTC
I've noticed the VM/PC file at www.corestore.org/XT_370.zip http://www.corestore.org/XT_370.zip
also the VM/PC file at bitsavers --> http://bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/bits/IBM/VM_PC/ http://bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/bits/IBM/VM_PC/

I've read a little about the XT/370 and AT/370 plug-in cards for the PC's of the era.
My question is... can Hercules be configured and connected to VM/PC to work
as an XT/370 or AT/370? I thought i read p390's and s/390's work with VM/PC also,
but i haven't any idea how to do this either.

-- fascinated,
-- William F. Gallant
'Dave Wade' dave.g4ugm@gmail.com [hercules-390]
2018-02-28 08:22:46 UTC
As far as I know there is not enough documentation. The “CP” part implements some undocumented diagnose instructions and I don’t believe the source code for the CMS portion was ever made available.


From: hercules-***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:hercules-***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 28 February 2018 06:33
To: hercules-***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [hercules-390] What is needed to make VM/PC work?

I've noticed the VM/PC file at www.corestore.org/XT_370.zip <http://www.corestore.org/XT_370.zip>

also the VM/PC file at bitsavers --> http://bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/bits/IBM/VM_PC/

I've read a little about the XT/370 and AT/370 plug-in cards for the PC's of the era.

My question is... can Hercules be configured and connected to VM/PC to work

as an XT/370 or AT/370? I thought i read p390's and s/390's work with VM/PC also,

but i haven't any idea how to do this either.

-- fascinated,

-- William F. Gallant
gah@ugcs.caltech.edu [hercules-390]
2018-03-01 05:36:36 UTC
I believe the CMS is mostly the VM/SP CMS.

CP, though, is partly in 370 code and partly in x86 code. Memory is shared between the two processors, such that I/O can be done from the x86 side, with appropriate interrupts passed between the two.

And, as noted, source isn't available.

P/370 executes 370 code, including SIO and I/O interrupts. The emulation of I/O devices is done in OS/2 code.

The only problem with P/370 is that it implement the 4K key feature (sic). You can't run OS/360 or OS/VS1 on it.